Friday, December 3, 2010

december to-do list

Each year I pray for a clam and relaxing holiday season, but that has yet to happen. Thinking about it now though, I almost am happy for the chaos of it all. I'm the girl that never likes to slow down. If I'm not constantly muliti-tasking or working on something new, I get bored. Me being bored is means that I go from being productive Kellie to barely moving, didn't even take the time to get out of my pjs Kellie. So this year, I am going to appreciate the craziness that comes with this season. I am going to work hard on my to-do lists, but not beat myself up when I don't get to them all. And most of all, I am going to have fun with every single item.
So here's my current to do list. I can't wait to share the ooutcome of them with yall later. :)

-work on a couple guest blog posts (in progress)
-find some awesome postcards to send out (for the postcrossing project)
-finish replying to all my pen pal letters (Check)
-finish creating the new pen pals lists
-finish Christmas shopping (trying it do it mostly via etsy)
-make some handmade goodies for the christmas swap project (in progress)
-reread my classroom management books to prepare for January
-work on my daily Christmas advent goals (in progress)
-make some cute and baked goodies for holiday gifts
-buy tons of Christmas cards
-read Persuasion with a pen pal friend (sooo excited)
-figure out loan information for next semester (in progress)
-doctor’s appointment to figure out what the crap is going on with me..... my stomach pain is still there, a bit better, but still present. I’ve completely given up trying to stay away from specific foods, because these days it’s completely random. (I do want to thank everyone for their sweet comments on this topic from means a lot to me that yall care and share with me what you or loved ones have been through and what helped. So thank you!!!!)

Oh- and Happy Friday!!!!!


Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

Relaxing holidays are so hard sometimes! I hope it goes much smoother for you this year and that you get well soon.

If you are interested I have a giveaway going on at my blog right now.

Amylou <3

Eleanor said...

Happy Friday, Kel!!!!

♥B said...

I agree with you about liking being extra busy. You won't have to worry about that come January! (lol) I'll be sending good thoughts your way about your stomach pain and hoping that you find a cure for the problem! xo,