Monday, September 3, 2007

the many sides of me

First celebrity crush: Leonardo DiCaprio (sadly) and Kevin Bacon (Footloose)
Most recent celebrity crush: A lot..... James Franco, Orlando Bloom, Josh Lucas
First favorite color: blue
Most recent favorite color: pink and maroon

First car: '97 Jeep Grand Cherokee (Jerry) it was a dark tanish brown. It use to be my Dad's.
Most recent car: Silver '05 Jetta VW. (No name as of yet).

First vacation: I think it was to New Hampshire for my cousin's wedding
Most recent vacation: Daytona with the girls!!!

First home: Pensacola. Lived with my Mom, Dad and when I was 2 my sister moved in with us.
Most recent home: Jax. Live with my roommate Leigh

First pet: Buttons. Red long hair Dachshund. Lived to be 16.
Most recent pet: 2 dogs, Coco (pound puppy, 11 years old) and Au'bre (black long hair dachshund; 5 years old).

First best friend: Mike. We were basically friends as soon as I was out of the womb.
Most recent best friend: My mom, Leigh and Dani. (Plus a ton of AMAZING really good friends that I don't know what I would do without)

First hair cut: I was 2. And I have no recollection of it.
Most recent hair cut: Too long ago. But it was done by James. I hated it at first and then LOVED it.

First job I wanted to have: teaching
Most recent job I want to have: teaching (although I often think about switching majors due to my classes.....)
First job I ever had: Besides babysitting, hostess at Applebees.
Most recent job: Receptionist/copy girl/runner/slave at a lawfirm.

My first favorite show: Full House
Most recent favorite show(s): Gilmore Girls, Friends, Daily Show, I Love Lucy

First CD I ever got: Batman soundtrack
Last CD I bought: Mae, Singularity
Want, believe and need:
-I want to appreciate the people and things in my life more often
-I believe that Starbucks really is the cure all drink
-I want to fully love myself
-I want to be in better shape
-I want to be closer to God
-I believe that God can do anything
-I want faith that moves mountains
-I want to live by hope and faith, not by fear (2 Timothy 1:7)
-I want to love everyone
-I want to be apart of something life changing
-I want to always hope for the best
-I believe that God can help me through anything
-I believe God put friends in our lives to help us through everything as well
-I need to get motivated
-I need to take time to recognize all the good things in my life
-I want to be content with my life and all that is in it
-I want to one day be an amazing teacher
-I want to travel the world
-I want to never give up
-I want to find my place in this world
-I believe that Christ loved me enough to die for me. (Galatians 2:20)
-I want to live life to the fullest
-I want to be excited about life and what is in store
-I want to find humor and beauty in everything
-I want to avoid dwelling
-I want to be a better person
-I believe that love wins

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