Friday, December 14, 2007

my bucket list

A list of goals I made up in high school that I wanted to achieve. Things have been added, some things have been blown, but here is the list:

Things to do:
-go to a Goo Goo Dolls concert
-meet one of our Presidents
-drive a corvette
-fly like in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
-put a message in a bottle
-get a makeover
-protest something
-have the best/most diverse music collection
-learn a foreign language
-write a devotion/sermon
-memorize/play a song on the piano
-scuba dive
-see a Broadway play
-see a kangaroo
-see a koala
-learn different dances
-go on a road trip
-join a sorority
-give an important speech
-help build a house
-write a book
- get married
-have a family
-swim with the dolphins
-learn about other religions
-learn about other cultures and countries
-throw a fancy dinner party
-read every Mary Higgins Clark book
-read every Agatha Christy book
-speak in tongues
-bring someone to Christ
-learn how to grill
-go windsurfing
-go sailing
-ride horseback on the beach
-learn a song on the guitar
-learn how to drive a stick shift
-dance on a table
-adopt a kid
-be a teacher
-sponsor a kid
- race a car
-get acupuncture
-go to a Coldplay concert
-see every Alfred Hitchcock movie
-learn to skateboard
-graduate college
-be an intern for a magazine
-sing at a karaoke bar
-go to the love parade
-be a donor
-crowd surf
-see a panda
-dance on the side of the road
-get passionate about a cause and spend time helping it instead of just thinking about it
-drive the autobahn
-kiss the blarney stone
-have a good passionate kiss in the rain (like in Breakfast at Tiffanys)
-ride on an elephant
- go on a safari
-ride a camel to the Pyramids, Egypt
-go off roading
-dance in the pouring rain
-be able to make a guy go weak in the knees with just a look
-have a group sing a long (like in My Best Friend's Wedding)
-pull an all nighter and see the sunrise
-find my mission in life
-go to/have a bonfire
-make my own list of what I think are the 100 most memorable movie quotes
-make out in an elevator
-learn how to fix a car

Places to go:
-the desert
-Omish county
-walk the Great Wall of China
-5 of the 7 continents (already have N. America and screw Antarctica)
-the 7 wonders of the Middle Ages
-the 7 wonders of the Ancient World
-the 7 wonders of Today
-the 7 Natural wonders
-all 50 states
-Key West
-Africa, Cuba, or Haiti for a mission trip
-Mexico for Cinco de Mayo
-live in DC
-live in NYC
-live in England
-visit the Holy Land
-Mardi Gras in New Orleans

How I want to change:
- not care what other people think of me
-help the less fortunate
-have a job that will change people's lives
-be nice to everyone
-stop worrying about the thngs I can do nothing about and work on the things I can do something about
-be independent
-be comfortable in my own skin
-get into shape
-never hold a grudge
-never run from problems
-learn how to take a compliment

What I've done so far:
-get a New Year's kiss
-get a kiss under the mistletoe
-graduate high school
-experience a sunrise
-ride a motorcycle
-go white water rafting
-go parasailing
-rock climb
-ride in a hot air balloon
-have a job before college
-go to college
-go camping
-donate blood
-read the entire Bible
-go kaiking
-go to a Mae concert
-go paint balling
-pull an amazing prank on someone
-go on a double date
-get a tattoo
-go to Prague
- go one a cruise
-go one a walk for a cause
-have a pen pal that I have never before met
-ride a jet ski
-experience a sunset (not just see it)


  1. you need a cute pic of us for the side kiddo!

  2. i only can see one that youve blown?? you smoked a cigar. what others could you have missed?


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