Monday, December 1, 2008

giving thanks

So Thanksgiving has come and gone. And I have to say, while I usually don't look forward to the holidays, this one was INCREDIBLE!!! Pensacola for the entire weekend. I did sadly have hw to do, but as long as I was with P-cola people, I didn't care. We had amazing food, great company and a white elephant Christmas gift swap. I think that's the name of it, and I won a fondue kit!
So here is what I am thankful for this season:
Yum cookies from World Market. (my dinner wed. night)

Sunsets. Pretty, pretty sunsets.

A camera to play around with when I was bored in the car.

These gals.
These guys.

And all the other wonderful people in my life.
I am so blessed that I have two places to call home. (Pensacola and S. FLA).
Home is not a dwelling with 4 walls, it is where you feel loved, where you can be yourself, where you have a group of people (or even just one) that love you for who you are. No questions asked. No ifs, ands or buts. They love you, even though you have faults and they accept you.
Perhaps thats why I haven't really been able to make JAX my home. I don't feel that I can be myself and be loved for who I am, with mess ups and all. Luckily I was able to bring people with me from S.FLA, but when they are gone for the holidays, I fear I will be lonely again. :(
But here is to now. To knowing I am blessed. To having loved ones in my life, whether they be in the next room, or a few hundred miles away....

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