Friday, December 26, 2008

i'm dreaming of a warm Christmas

...just like the ones I use to know.
I guess when you live in Florida, the only kind of Christmas you'll ever have is warm one...

This Christmas was so completely different from any kind I've ever had before. And it was wonderful. One of the best I've had in a while actually. And for once, I didn't miss my dad so much I ended up crying myself to sleep. It's only taken 7 years, but I finally am healing... :)

Christmas eve my parents and I went to service a church in Riverside that some of our co-workers go to. The message was bland. The music was very traditional. And the people, somewhat friendly. The church though was beautiful. In fact, I think it's one of the prettiest churches I've ever been in.

Christmas day I had church service, just me and a bunch of homeless (with a few other CRM volunteers) under a dirty tent in downtown Jax. Just me, no friends or family. And it was an amazing Christmas service. I loved every minute of it and I felt at ease and peace. I think now I finally understand Jesus and his love for spending time with the less fortunate rather than the rich. If I had to choose which service was my favorite, which people were the friendliest, which place of worship was the most beautiful, hands down it would be the latter. Nothing was so beautiful as to see so many people, all of different types and ages coming down to sit together and worship The Savior in a less than traditional church.
God really blessed me this Christmas and opened my eyes to so many things. I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas too. God bless.

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