Friday, May 29, 2009

i heart fridays

Happy Friday all! I made this cd this morning for my roommate. It's full of new music (thank you starbucks). I figured, what better way to start a fresh Friday than having new music to listen to?? She liked the idea too :)

For my daily scrapbooking, I created this playlist. Of course, I haven't gotten to scrabooking the page yet, but I thought I would share the playlist with you all. It's songs that inspire me, artists that move me, and overall my favorite music to listen to currently. (And yes some of them are familiar and have been on my blog music section for awhile...shh).
Here goes:

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

This is the latest scrapbook page I have finished though. As you can see I am veryyyy behind. But I actually really like this one. Too bad the camera made too much of a glare. ( I reallyyyy need a new digital camera). But this is I guess what I would call my confession entry. The folded pieces of paper in the starbucks "holder" are some of my confessions (which of course I will not be sharing with anyone. But I kinda liked this page..... kinda. So I thought I would share.

For my art class I have to make a few mini-books (actually 5). This is the first one. I'm very unahppy about it and I am thinking about redoing it, so today I started trying to create another (and hopefully much prettier one). But alas, I do not have the correct materials and the new one isn't looking so great I'm in a bit of a bind. Here's the old one.

And here is the old and the new one..... on to more scrapbooking and perhaps dinner with Dan. Ah yes, and Sims. I have created my own person...I actually kinda like the game (gasp**Kellie likes a video game, I know...).

On another note, I am also trying to read Catch-22. I have been wanting to for years and even put it on my bucket list. I finally have gotten around to reading it and am half way done (page 264) but I admit, I haven't been able to get into it at all. But I am the type of person that HAS to finish a book. Only once have I not. So here's to hoping it gets better. Has anyone else read this and not liked it, or am I the only one????


  1. i like your playlist,specially the twilight song!i'm not christian but wiccan and i hope we can be friends!
    And i really like how you scrap,come see my blog and let me know if you like my stuff.
    Kissez from Italy.

  2. I love your stuff! very inspiring.
    yea...i havent seen twilight, but i love that song from there (I saw it on elsie's blog and now love mutemath!)

  3. Hi! I saw your link on top of mine on "abeautifulmes" i am now following you because I was so excited to find a fellow ChristFllower in my blog obsessions! And you love art too! Looking forward to seeing more :)
    XO! Tif


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