Tuesday, May 12, 2009

oh tuesday

So far my day has been a hectic if not somewhat frustrating one....
I had my first summer class session this morning, which actually I'm both nervous about and really excited about. It's an art methods class for elementary ed. and a big majority of the class is learning about art and then making mini books (which is my LOVE). I'm just worried because I dislike being graded and judged on what I love, because I'm afraid that I'll get a bad grade (or anything but an A) and then have to find a new hobby.... but I guess we'll see.

Then I had yet another doctor's appointment. I am so fed up with doctor appointments, medicine, tests, and still after months not knowing what's wrong. *This was the frustrating part of the day.*

But then I got to pick up my mom's birthday cake for tomorrow and then came home to work on finishing her birthday gift. :)

Almost done!!

I also started another scrapbooking project. I haven't quite finished it...although it's an ongoing project (it's sort of to document every birthday from here on out). But the first page I finished (for my 22nd birthday) is actually my favorite scrapbooking page I've made thus far. (Don't be too critical).

And now I'm suppose to go to the Suns baseball game (as long as it doesn't get rained out, that is).

Check out this video (makes me wish my name was Victoria).... I <3 them I realllllyyyyy do!
Jukebox the Ghost

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Your comments brighten my day. And I promise, while I may not respond to every one of them, I read every single on of them.
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