Friday, June 26, 2009

so in love...

I absolutely LOVE Urban Outfitters. If I could I would buy one (or two) of everything there....
They are currently having a sale and Ash and I took a little detour after dinner to window shop, which led to me buying too much stuff for myself. But in my defense, the stuff (most of it) was on sale!!!!
Anyway, here are some items I found while checking out their website.
So dreamy and wonderful.


  1. i have that second to last top!

    who am i kidding...i have almost everything in the store. seriously my favorite store ever. i got hooked while my best friend worked for them and shared her discount. unfortunately, she no longer works there, i no longer get a discount, yet the obsession remains. :]

  2. seriously?? i wish i could get a discount. their stuff is beautiful, but rather expensive...

    it is the best store ever though!


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