Monday, August 10, 2009

Kim's birfday!

5 things I loved about this weekend.....

1. getting to spend time with kim-the birthday girl and kelly.
Oh how I have missed them.
(this was kel driving in the rain....good times).

2. got to read more than I thought I would. :)
a good book that i borrowed from a friend in a book swap.

3. the drive to Talley.
the photo looks kinda bad due to the windows being all smudged with bugs...but you get the picture.
this part of fl is soooo nice.

4. travel food!!!

5. getting to see this boy....

'cause we both got back early from our trips.

this week will be reallyyyy busy
-step-dad's bday
-my biffle, kim's birthday (which is today!!!!!)
-my sister and brother-in-laws anniversary
-mine and dan's 2 year anniversary
-my nephews birthday was last week (and i need to find him something...i procrastinate. can you tell?)
-going on vaca soon
-school starts back in about 2 weeks!! ekkkk

CAN'T WAIT!!!! (minus the school part)
have a great week!!!!


  1. I'm glad you had a good time!

    That being said, where's number two? Haha :)


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