Wednesday, August 5, 2009

sharkattacks & vanishingmaps

Last night I finally got to watch some of Shark Week. I've kept missing it the past couple of years, so I was really happy I could watch it last night.
Maybe this makes me kind of a dork, but even though I've always been deathly afraid of these creatures, I love learning about them...

Sad news....or so I think it is. Road maps (like below) are no longer being made. Apparently GPS and online mapquesting has made the need for paper folded maps obsolete. Good thing I save a bunch from my dad. (They are great for scrapbooking- haha I don't think I use them for much else...)
So good-bye dear friends.


1 comment:

  1. this post made me laugh because my friends have done nothing but talk about Shark Week. I am going to have to check it out and see what the hype is about!! husband will be so sad to hear they are no longer making paper maps. He loves to just "read" maps! Thank goodness we also have several at home!
    Happy Wednesday!


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