Friday, October 30, 2009

halloween love

Only one more day until Halloween. I'm not sure why I am so excited for it this year- perhaps I am just excited for the change that I feel it brings...

There is soooo much to do this weekend. I'm so excited I might expload! (So here is the list, because what else do I ever do but make lists?)
-pick up the rest of my halloween costume. I'm going to be:
-go to the store to pick up food/drinks/etc for tomorrows halloween shindig
-bake cupcakes, cookies, and start on the beans for the chili
-start watching scary movies (tonight is Saw)
-make a fort. inspired by:


-finish some homework (yuck)
-start reading for our book group:

-and I finally get to wear this beauty:

What are you dressing up as this Halloween?? Post a picture (or put a link to a picture) of your costume this year under comments. I wanna see!!!!
Happy Halloween and weekend!!


  1. I love Audrey Hepburn!! :D You'll look great- and be sure to post pics! ♥ I'm going as a flapper... so we'll see how that turns out.

  2. Ahhh! Audrey Hepburn is our favorite. Our kid's name is Eliza, so her room has TONS of "My Fair Lady" things.

    Can't wait to see your costume!

  3. Great costume idea :)

    I read The Pillars of the Earth last's a huge book, but I never lost interest. I might have gotten so into it at one point that I started doing the good movie thing, where you find yourself talking to the pages.

    "Of course you love her!"

    "Why are you being so dumb?"


  4. hey pretty pretty :) less than 2 weeks to D Miller!!! get excited!!!

    love you!

  5. Allison- Thanks!! I can't wait to see how yours turns out! You better post some pics too! :)

    Megan- That's sooo cute. Love the name.

    Elizabeth- Thanks. Sounds like our group picked a good book for this month!! I can't wait to start reading Pillars and your comment makes me even more excited to start!!!

    jess- I am soooo flipping excited. we need to talk to discuss details. ASAP!! :) love you back


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