Monday, October 19, 2009

my middle name is "Go"

Actually, my middle name is Nichole.
My mom jokes with me all the time (and since I was a little girl) that my middle name is or should have been Go. She says that ever since I could walk (or perhaps even crawl) I have been on the move. I don't sit still or stay put for very long. I think I tend to get restless easily.
Today I am remembering this joke she and I share and finding it to be very much true. Lately I feel that I haven't had a lot of time to just sit and think. It's probably a good thing though since just sitting around tends to leave me bored and often times depressed. However, there is so much going on (especially with it being midterm week) that I feel I can't catch my breath. I guess though I should be thankful, for it keeps me happy, thinking about all the good things in life, and more importantly allows me to be thankful for down time even more than I otherwise would be.
Hope yall are having a great Monday (even though for us here on the East Coast there's only a few minutes more of it!)

love, love, love
me <3


  1. omg! i love this photo and want to steal your outfit :)

    let me know if you and Leigh are gonna do the Donald Miller thing with me next month. If you have no clue what I am referring to you and Leigh need to check your FB ;)

    Love you!!!!!!!! x a million!

  2. Jess--- I'm totally up for that. I love you too! Can't wait.

    Margot- Thanks!!!!


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