Tuesday, December 22, 2009

holiday time....already??

It's hard to believe that Christmas is only days away. Merely days..... wow. How did it get here so fast??? Wasn't it just Halloween??? Like yesterday?

Christmas use to be my favorite time of year. I suppose in some ways it still is, I just get so fed up with all the shopping madness and crazies that it's hard to handle it. Plus, looking at my checking account after the holiday is always so depressing. The past few years I really just have wanted to celebrate Christmas without presents (or at least very few). It's as if consumerism has gotten the best of us and around this time of year we lose ourselves to the little shopping demons. Now don't get me wrong, I love presents, and giving, and shopping; however, I feel that this is now all Christmas has become. A mere shopping holiday.
This year, I'm trying to do things differently. Of course there will be presents, I can't escape that one- nor do I suppose I totally want to, but I want to focus on the more meaningful parts of the holiday....
This will be the last Christmas that I will get to celebrate with my bff and roomie. She leaves tomorrow. We have so many things still left to do! Mainly we have so many movies to watch.....
(this is our favorite holiday movie- it's not Christmas until it's been watched and luckily we already have this year. :) )
(this movie we hope to watch tonight)

(still have to watch this one too)
-I'm excited for family time, down time to myself, holiday food, making my family and friends happy and laugh with jokes and gifts, and of course all the Christmas holiday pretties: candy canes, starbucks, Christmas lights, our new Christmas tree!, cinnamon smells, pine tree smells, fire in the fireplace, midnight Christmas Eve service, wrapping gifts, Christmas music, the sound of bells, the cold air, firm Christmas party, holiday parties with friends.......
found at weheartit.com

This time of year is quite magical. I'm excited for the changes it brings.
Happy holidays everyone!!!! I hope it's the best one yet!

Ps- I promise to try and upload all my photos from the holidays thus far soooooooon. I'm horrible at this, but a new goal is to be more timely with upload photos. :)

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