Wednesday, December 30, 2009

'tis the season

I must admit, I had a very lovely Christmas break. It was somewhat quiet (with most of my friends being away) but I had a chance to hang out with my parents, which is always nice.
There were a few not-so-great things including being sick, having a panic attack while Christmas shopping, and some suprising conversations that I wasn't exactly prepared for; however, all in all it was a good one filled with these:

bingles...soooo good and so difficult to find. my mom and step-dad managed to find several boxes for me though. :) so yummy

my first pair of toms (thanks to my mom). they are incredibly comfy. i never want to take them off!!

And I also got a few movies....

500 days of Summer from my friend Jeff. I love this movie. Besides the fact that I have a girl crush on Zooey (yes, haha first name basis, or is it that I just can't ever spell her last name??) but her style is wonderful, Cameron (also first name basis) is a great actor and I love that it's not another chick flick!!!

I bought this one for me. :) I love the hangover---such a good movie, i laugh until i cry everytime!!
I hope yall had a wonderful Christmas (or Hanukah)!!!
Much love and Happy New Year!!!! Stay safe.


  1. I've never tried those before.. but they look delicious! :D And TOMS are amazing. Just- amazing.

    Glad to hear you enjoyed your Christmas!

  2. Those bingles look delicious!! Glad you had a great Christmas!!

  3. allison-- you HAVE to try them, if you can find them. If you can't I'll even send you some (that's how good they are!!!)

  4. glad you had a great christmas!

    i've wanted toms forever, but always seem to forget to buy some when i have spare moolah. i may have to spend a bit of my christmas money on them :).


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