Wednesday, December 16, 2009

very pretty

I know that Christmas is the time for others and don't get me wrong, I love shopping for the ones I love. But every year it's always the same, I go out with loved ones in mind and end up only being able to find things that I would like. I hate this about myself.

However, I refuse to buy anything for me. I'll make a small Christmas list and only buy these things for myself after I've accomplished something that needs a reward.
This is at least my plan. But tell me, how can you look at all of these pretties and not fall in love and want them for yourself????

I hate how expensive these are, but they are sooo much fun!!

all of these lovlies found here.
I think I am in love..... is it bad to be in love with pretty vintage dresses and shoes???
<3 kel


  1. here's my motto: everything is on sale so a gift for yourself isn't thaaat bad right?? hah. I redeem myself by buying gifts too.

  2. Girl, you are not alone.
    ModCloth tempts me all the time!!

    <3 Grace.


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