Saturday, January 9, 2010

blogging ideas

One of my new years resolutions (which I still need to post....oops) is to blog more. I've come to really enjoy it and have found that it has truly helped me grow as a person (as silly as that may sound to some). I feel that being given an outlet such as this to share my thoughts, ideas, feelings, and important parts of my life that I have become more optimistic in making sure I dwell mostly on the positive things. It also has allowed me to learn and express who I am and who I am becoming. Making blogger friends has therefore been icing on the cake. :)

So, in order to keep myself somewhat accountable for blogging more frequently, I'm creating theme days! Mondays are "5 loves on Monday", which I started awhile back after reading Elsie Flanning's "Ten things I heart Sunday" posts, but have kinda out on the back burner, "fact Tuesday", which to me sounds like phat Tuesday....hmm...., and "guilty pleasure Wednesday" where I will confess things such as the fact that I still listen to (and secretly still love) the Spice Girls. However, you must promise not to poke too much fun at these crazy Wednesday secrets!!

Here's a sneak.....

...I'm excited.... :)
<3 kel


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