Tuesday, January 19, 2010

fact tuesday (v.2)

FACT: I love songs that have clapping in them. Not sure why, but it never fails.....
Here are some awesome songs (with clapping in them of course!!) Enjoy :)

*****( I tried to copy the playlist to put it directly on here, but couldn't..... which is weird, cause I have one on the side bar over there ---> can anyone help me?? I'm technologically challenged (again)). *****

Thanks and much love,


  1. great "claptastic" playlist but...."Lay 'em down" by Needtobreathe is my fave and, in my humble opinion, the claptastickiest! Fun post!

  2. Hehe when I was younger I wanted to have a job clapping for finger clicking/snapping on songs :)


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