Wednesday, January 27, 2010

guilty pleasure Wednesday (v.3)

**Sick days**

When I was younger (middle school mostly) I absolutely despised going to school. No joke, I would worry about going and freak out about going so much, I'd make myself sick (or have a panic attack). I think it was mainly all the changes going on in my life, my parents getting divorced, my mom and I having to move out of the house I grew up in, and my aunt not being well. Looking back on it now, I feel like such a jerk for putting my mom through so much, but at the time all I could think about was how much i did not, could not, make myself go to school. I am not proud of it now, but at the time I would try to get out of it any way possible, and let'sjust say Ferris Buller was my hero. However, my mom rarely ever let me get away with it. When she did let me stay home sick, I indulged myself in some quality time with my tv set.

It's funny, because even now when I see these shows on, I remember watching them when "sick" or actually sick. In fact, when I'm home sick these days, I find myself looking for them on tv to watch. So I guess these shows are what you would call my sick day guilty pleasures.....

Do you have a sick day guilty pleasure?? Share with us in the comment section if so!!



  1. I used to love Saved by the Bell, too. I actually liked going to school, until I got to middle school, too 'cause there were too many kids that picked on me. But, I never faked being sick. I liked to watch game shows...does anyone remember "Press Your Luck"?

  2. I too hated school. I would cry as my mom pushed me out the door. I faked sick, but didn't get away with it very often. Saved By The Bell was one of my favorite shows back then :)


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