Wednesday, January 6, 2010

happy 101 award

This award is for all the ladies in the blogging community that bring a smile to your face. So...along with this award I am to list 10 things that make me HAPPY and pass the award on to 10 ladies that make me smile.

Amber gave me this (via her wonderful blog). Thank you Amber, it put a huge smile on my face!!!
Here are my 10 things (and I have to admit, listing only 10 things was a little difficult):

1. pandas-
I still want one as a pet, although in knowing how much money they would cost me in bamboo, I'm sure I'm better off without one. But they are still sooooo cute

images found via

2. my friends and family-
without them i would be forever lost.

3. polaroids
especially polaroid walls like this one

4. dresses
can't wait for spring when I can start wearing them again!!!

found at

5. blogging
Starting out I didn't know how into it I'd get, or if I'd even like it, but now I seem to be hooked (and a little addicted). And I love how many people I've met through it! Now we need to meet in RL!!! :)

6. cupcakes.
they are my weakness, well, one of

7. Starbucks
i'm addicted. i have so many favorites, but i think my comfort drinks are usually boil down to:
-cinnamon dolce frap
-chai tea latte with soy and 1 pump vanilla
-white chocolate mocha latte
-iced caramel macchiato

found at

8. reading
i absolutely love finding a new and wonderully inspiring book. i keep adding to my new years resolutions each year to read more, and so far i've accomplished it. even though i have about 20 books i want to read and are waiting for me to pick up, i seem to continue to buy new ones and add to my list. but one day i hope to complete them all.
here are some of my latest favorites (and if you haven't read them, i highly reccommend you do so!!!!!)

9. listening to new music that inspires me
sometimes its hard for me to get inspired to be crafty, but new music always helps.
here are the bands and artists that have lately been inspiring me like crazy:
-empire of the sun
-passion pit
-florence and the machine
-she and him
-postal service
-regina spektor
-ben folds
-jukebox the ghost
-yeah, yeah, yeahs

10. God. the most important one of course (daving the best for last)!!!!!
It's odd, even after growing up in the church and being a believer, I sometimes feel odd about writing on my blog about my faith. I shouldn't, especially because I am not ashamed. I think it boils down to being afraid of causing some sort of debate or argument. That shouldn't matter and I apologize for not writing more about myself and my faith, 2010 will turn that around, I promise. With that said, I honestly owe who I am to God. I've gone through a lot of rough times (haven't we all?!?!?) but without him I would be lost, depressed, and just completely in shambles. Knowing Him has saved me more than I could ever express. :)

So there you have it, my 10 loves (or 10 of my manyyyy loves)!
Now to pass on the award. :) There are so many amazing and wonderful women I've encountered through my blog and I love you all for constantly sharing your world and letting me play a small part in it. So, the ladies that bring a smile to my face:
1. Leigh @
2. Jessica @
3. allison @
4. danielle @
5. alexa @
6. lindsay @
7. megan @
8. margot @
9. erin @
10. and of course the lovely Amber who tagged me first!!! you can find her at:

Don't forget to post a link in the comment section when you've completed your list. I wanna see!!!!!


  1. oh ty ty ty for the award!! It's my very first award!! I'll be working on my post tonight!! You are so sweet!!! Thanks for being a part of my world, hehe :) I'll let you know when it's posted.
    P.S I am totally obsessed with Pandas right now too!!

  2. Beautiful list... I love polaroids too. How fun would that wall be to have in your home? So glad we have meet through blogging. I too was a little skeptic on how I would do at blogging but it has been such a postive and amazing thing!!

  3. I didn't start listening to Passion Pit until I saw the commercial for the Palm Pixi? and now I can't get over "sleepyhead".


  4. Thank you so much for this! I'll DEFINITELY link you to it when I get around to posting.. I procrastinate. :D haha, those cupcakes look DELICIOUS and your modcloth dresses are beautiful! :D

  5. Posted!!

    Thank you again!!!

  6. i am so thrilled you nominated me for this, so sweet of you! Thanks SO much. i've posted my list. i heart the blogging community :)

  7. AW! Thank you so much for nominating me for this adorable award! I really appreciate it, and I really loved your entire list!

    I'm glad we're blog friends- I love your posts. <3

  8. Thanks so much for including me! You totally rock.

    Oh, and thanks for the music suggestions, by the way. They'll be popping up in music mondays to come. I love ingrid michaelson, vampire weekend, and the cardigans too!

  9. oh thank youuu for the award!! i'm going to do this on my bloggie today! and i'm so excited to see your book recommendations- i will absolutely check them out!! :-)


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