Monday, February 8, 2010

5 loves on monday (v.5)

Five things I love (this week!!!)

1. Super Bowl!!!!

Until my 2nd year of college I had honestly never cared for football. My parents did, my friends did, but I just could care less. Living in Jacksonville though Iwent to a few games and soon fell in love with the game (which is a miracle if you know how the Jacksonville Jags play..... ouch I know). I'm a loyal Jags girl though (I even own a jersey)!! So suffice to say, it's only been the past few years that I've cared about Super Bowl. But now, I love it!!! And this year's game was awesome!!!

2. rainboots!!!!!!!

aren't these all to die for???? i want one of each!!!

3. Louis Armstrong

his music is amazing and he seemed like an awesome, stand up guy. if i could meet any celebrity (dead or alive) he's most def on the top 5 list!!! his music realyl inspires me.

4. photos!
not that i'm planning a wedding, but the girl in me loves looking at wedding pictures. i find them so lovely and inspirational. the ones at are gorgeous and most times i go on there just to gawk at the amazing photograpy--i aspire to take pictures like these--they are amazing!!!!

5. these valentines day decorations!!!

all valentines day pictures found here (better homes & gardens site)
Valentine's Day has never, ever been a favorite holiday of mine. i typically call it single's awareness day and roll my eyes everytime someone mentions its approach.
this year i'm seeing things differently and i think the reason is because of my youth group (and perhaps also because everyone in blog land seems so excited for it, that i think the excitement has actually rubbed off!!!)
i love decorating and decorating with my favorite colors (red, pink, orange) is 1 great thing; the 2nd is that i get to plan fun valentines day things with them, like making cards for each of the students, have them make some for each other, decorate, plan games centered on it, and even valentines day themed foods YUMMMM.
i feel like valentines day this year is on steroids for me and im reallyyyyy excited to celebrate with all my friends, students, and yes even with the boy. :)
How do you feel about Valentines Day?!?!? Any plans yet???! Do share! :)
your valentine,


  1. the Superbowl this year was amazing!!! I'm a huge Saints fan so it seriously made my night, no my week, well more like my year!!! Those rainboots are super cute! I love the Love Day decor, Im in the process of decorating my house right now for it :)

  2. Um- I totally LOVE these things! Especially oncewed... sigh. :D

  3. The valentines decorations are super cute. I wish I would have done some decorating this year, thought I guess I still have some time. I don't think we will be doing anything special. Hope you have a good vday!


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