Monday, February 15, 2010

5 loves on monday (v.6)

Hello loves!!! I hope you had a great weekend.

First, I would just like to thank all of you that actually read and comment on my blog. While I did create this blog in order to be better about "journaling" my life (since plain old journaling never seems to happen in my life anymore)I love,love,love that so many of you keep up with it, read it, follow it, and even comment on it!!! It makes me feel all warm and giddy inside!! So thank you! And to show yall how much I love having you here, I'm going to do my FIRST blog give-away!!! So stay tuned this week for details on that (and how to enter!!) I love youuuuuuu!

And without further adu, my list of my 5 loves this week.

1.-messy pigtails

2. -dogs, esp mine, and esp dachshunds

(aubre and coco)

(coco and toast)


(danielle holding aubre--this was halloween and aubs has dreds, a cape, and a pirates hat!!!)

3 -thrift finds (like this from NC, btw this past Sunday was Scout Sunday, did you know that???)

4 -this book:

we are currently reading it for our book club (my choice and yes im reading the abridged...even that's 500+ pages!)

5- funny sayings

like this one that i wrote to my friend to remind him of when we watched the show weeds together. it reads "thug means never havingto say your sorry"

Happy Monday. Hope yours was better than mine (I didn't have the best of days today, but I'm hoping for a better tomorrow!!!!)

love yall!!!


  1. Yes! I'm really liking messy pigtails too now that my hair is long enough for them!

  2. Aw. U-Turn. Taken from us too soon.

  3. i love braided pigtails!!! the messy ones are the best, like slept on :) I always love reading your psots!


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