Monday, February 22, 2010

5 loves on monday (v.7)

Hello blogland!!!!

i hope your week is off to a fabulous start! if not, maybe this list of 5 gorgeous things will help cheer you up and inspire you (they did me!!) so here are 5 things im reallyyyyyy loving right now!!!

1. black nail polish

images from

2. VWs!!! (i drive a jetta--not pictured here tho)

all vw pics found at

2. style school!!!!

i'm soooo sad that it's over. it was an amazing 6 weeks of beautiful and inspiring crafts, blogs, and conversation! :) i loved, loved, loved it!

3. yarn!!!

photo cred

photo cred

photo cred

4. india arie and this music video.

everytime i start to think less of myself or just am really down, this song picks me right back up and reminds me to love myself!

5. this home decal (their decals for laptops are auh-mazing too!)

found here.

happy monday loves!!!!


  1. wow that top picture is gorgeous!! WOW!!! I love love yarn too!! and I miss Style School :(

  2. The colors on those VWs are too perfect! :D

  3. Great post!
    I am totally digging the darker nail polish lately.
    I will definitly miss the style school projects (even though I just started on a few this past weekend...oh dear!) I cant wait for all upcoming classes though! They seem super awesome! :)

  4. Love those decals! My ex-boyfriend had a vintage Beetle, it was fun but it was always breaking down!


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