Thursday, February 11, 2010

a few pretties thru the stress

Lately I've been sooo busy. I think if I've collectively spent more than 30 minutes at my place just one day this week, I'd be surprised. I like being busy though (for the most part). But right now, I'm trying to enjoy the little things, the pretty things, the things that inspire me and help me keep going.....

found at
isn't this cake to die for?!?!? i love it (if only it said cannon..haha)


this curtain panel, found at

it matches my theme (blue, white, black, tan) for my bedroom. i'm just trying to save up some money to get a few for the windows in my room! :)


my "to do" list for this weekend:
-read Count of Monte Cristo for our book club meeting coming up
-finish and send out my homemade valentines
-finish creating decorations for the youth room for valentines day
- finish painting the prayer box for the youth
-prepare lesson for sunday's bible study
-finish preparing game for youth group sunday night
-call some friends and catch up
-finish making my frame for the style school project of mine
-catch up on dexter
-finish painting my style school clipboards
-put up shelf in my bedroom
-fix holes in wall in bedroom (where we tried to hang the shelf before....)
-catch up on sleep!!!!!!
-valentines date night! (i kinda wanna bake something for this night, dessert like, but i don't know what!!! ANY IDEAS!?!?)
-play with my new camera! cannon rebel!!!

ugh, I know there's more, but I don't even want to go there......
Luckily I have tomorrow off, so I can catch up on things then!!! :)


This week has already been crazy though, I've gotten sooo much accomplished already!
-dinner with 2 of my girl friends that I havent seen in forever
-saw Dear John (I know a bunch of girls will hate me for saying this, but i didn't really enjoy it....)
-had a late night photoshoot downtown!
-read some of Count of Monte Cristo
-worked 4 days (at the lawfirm)
-started on my homemade valentines
-started my homemade valentines decorations for the youth room
-got to see my sister and her kids!


and SOOOOON I will be getting a new computer!!!! My old one finally died on me (thank goodness for work's computer).
I also should be getting some pretty dresses (I ordered them before I imposed a no more online shopping rule on least for the rest of this month). I can't wait-- I hope they fit, I'm nervous (and the vintage one only came in that specific size, so fingers crossed)!!!
*the boy also is sending me something in the mail. i cannot wait to see what it is!!!*

so many exciting things---can't wait to show them all to you!


Hope yall are having a great end to your week and have a wonderful weekend!
happy valentines day!!



  1. wow that cake is awesome!! Yay for new computers, only thing that sucks is having to reload everything!

  2. How about Molten Lava cakes? Those are SO good, and very valentines-y.

  3. Red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing. DELISH!

    PS, I want to take photos. I have access to a tripod right now. We need to get together. Library photo shoot with nerd glasses? I think so.

  4. That cake is awesome! My sister is a cake decorater... maybe I can get her to make me one? lol


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