Monday, February 1, 2010

long but lovely day

So it's already Monday here in FL (12:17am) and I am just now coming home from a long, exhausting, but wonderful day. Usually I don't share these kinds of thoughts with blogworld, I just simply scribble some words down in a journal and call it a night; however, I felt that today warranted a post. I felt that a reader's digest version of the day was needed so that when I'm having difficult days like I did Friday morning, I will have these uplifting posts to remind me of how great life truly can be. :)

First of all, I want to thank everyone that commented on my last post. Friday morning was unusually difficult and bad; however, the end of the day wrapped up lovelier. But thank you all for your sweet comments and thoughts. I appreciate them all! I feel lucky to have such caring and wonderful blog readers. :)

Nowadays my Sundays are always long and interesting. I have so much going on in one day that sometimes I forget to slow down and breathe. I guess that's how today sort of went, although as crazy and hectic as it was, it was still wonderful.
I began my morning going to work. I lead a bible study for my youth group (currently we only have about 5-6 high schoolers that attend youth functions such as this one). It's funny how I never in a million years would have placed myself at 22 as a youth pastor (or leader as I call it). But here I am. It's truly a blessing and a total God thing that I was given this amazing opportunity. My love for these kids grows more and more each week as I get to know them better. Especially with their wilingness to help out the church, community, and each other (which was proved again toay when they donated canned soup to the church for our annual Febuary Souper Bowl Event).
While I am still trying to develop a good way of going about our bible study, it so far has run somewhat smoothly. We are focusing on "The Portrait of Jesus", which entails reading the New Testament, starting with Matthew. My idea was to read book by book in order to figure out who Jesus was, why we should care and how we can put His teachings into action. It's been an awesome journey so far and I'm really having fun with it. We also get to decorate our youth room, which while it's small and shared with others, I think some fun things will happen there. I'm trying to find some furniture and ways to decorate to make it homier and welcoming. More exciting news that was shared today on this subject, was that 2 of my youth kids were given permission to draw a mural on one of the walls in our youth room. Their work is so great and I cannot express how awesome I think it is for their beauty to be displayed. (I will try to take pictures and post them of the stages and then the finished project).
But I digress...... bible study is then follow by church which was then followed by a meeting regarding a church event we host, a community meal. While the meeting only occurs once every few months, we discuss the future of the community meal that we host biweekly that invites all members of the community to come visit with us and eat a home cooked meal. So far in going I have met soo many wonderful people and really grown closer to those in the community around us. My meeting was then followed by lunch at the parents and some errand shopping. (It is embarassing to admit that I might have maxed out a card with all the yarn I bought for new craft ideas.....). Then of course it was time for bible study, where we played monopoly (apparently the recession joke, a significantly smaller amount of money was handed out to each player). Playing games with them is so much fun and constantly reminds me how much fun being young is. :) My dear friend Jeff B. came to youth (and church) as well to help out and just have fun with us. He and I went to dinner afterwords (for fish, grits, and fried okra YUM). Then of course, the very end of the night included a movie night with a large group of friends to watch Master and Commander. Not the best movie (in my opinion, but gotta love that Russell Crowe)!
Whew, a long day indeed. Now it's off to bed so that I can wake up early and go to my law office job.

Hope yall are having a wonderful Monday!!! And come back later for a "5 things I heart on Monday" post. :)

much love (as always),

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