Thursday, February 18, 2010

silly me

I feel so silly for doubting us....

I have to admit I had a bit of a rough morning, mostly dealing with some jealousy; however, in the end and after talking to *the boy* I realized something important. We have something wonderful, something awesome, something I wouldn't trade in-ever. In the midst of envying some events and situations in other relationships, he reminded me of what a great thing we have going. He loves me and I love him, what more do I really need??? :)

Sorry if this is too mushy for some, but I just had to type it, to save it, to remind myself (and him if he's reading) that while the grass may look greener, what *the boy* and I have going can't compare!! Not at all. And that makes me happy. He makes me happy!!!!

<3 kel


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