Monday, March 8, 2010

5 loves on monday (v.9)


Hope yall had a great weekend! (Can't believe it's Monday, again and so soon). Bummer..... Especially since Monday means work, which sometimes means getting yelled at by clients. I think that's the worst part of this job. I'm a receptionist, so it's not as if I did something to piss off our clients, but when they're mad I'm typically the first person they talk to, so I have to try and diffuse the problem, which doesn't always work. This morning I've already had 2 mean phone calls....oh joy. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to be so polite....but I am. I sit there, take it, try to explain the situation, over and over, and over again until they understand. I try to apologize, share my concern, promise I will do my best to help them; yet, that doesn't always seem to today's situations. Oy, tooooo much, tooooo much!!!!
My weekend went by way too fast, as it usually does, thanks to a 6 day work week. I'm just looking forward to a vacation---whenever that happens! Until then, here are some more things I loooooooove that help me get through the stress of the week! :)
1. the movie Whip It!
I watched this movie this weekend---sooo good. I like the "be your own hero" thing about it and let's face it, a movie about girls kicking ass? AWESOME!
2. these projects:
my friends and i watched the documentary about this project awhile ago- and their website is amazing--it explains the project and shares TONS of photos. it's by far one of the coolest things ever-- and its all to help bring us together in commmunity. :) check it out if you havent already! (and maybe sign up for one too!)

i looooove the idea of this project---to leave little "you are beautiful" notes everywhere for women everywhere to see. it's a good message-- we should all love ourselves. :) check out the site, it's incredible!

3. bikes!!!

i want a beach crusier soooo badly (or at least a bike, any bike, so long as it hold air in it's tires)!!! the 2 bikes i have now (one i got for free and the other i've had since middle school are in desperate need of some tlc, that i don't think i can do. the tires never stay filled, no matter what i do, the seats hurt like everything, and they just aren't working! i want to get a new one (cheap!) and a bike rack (cheap!) and ride it everywhere! it's one of my favorite things ever!!!

4. looks from lookbook
this site is wonderful!!! i love perusing it, finding wardrobe inspirations. :)

5. ben stiller

gotta admit, I use to not be the biggest fan of him (in fact at one point i despised his comedy). now, i think he's hysterical! and his oscar performances are always wonderfully funny!

Have a lovely Monday!! and don't forget to check out and sign up for the pen pal project i'm starting!!! i think it's gonna be fun fun fun!!!!!!!!


  1. Great list this week!
    Take care ♥

  2. hahah, looks like the oscars were fun! ahaha. oh, 1. i LOVE zooey deschanel (who really doesn't?) and is that 1000 journals about people who left journals all over the country?

  3. I Love all of these! Especially Mr. Stiller and Miss Deschanel... love.

  4. I LOVE!!!! Whip It. I thought is was such a sweet movie, and I love all of the roller derby gals. In fact, I am trying to get together with one of my frineds to go to a local roller derby because it looked like so much fun to watch.

    ps, I reserved The Brothers Bloom at my library and it came in today. I am going to watch it on Wednesday and I will let you know what I think :) So excited. (In case you forgot, you commented about it on my blog haha)

  5. So excited about Whip It can't wait for it to come out over here. Glad it was as good as it looks!

  6. I love the bike + Ben Stiller cracks me up!

  7. This is why I'm always nice to the first person I deal with when I'm pissed on the inside about something...and because my mother used to chew out customer service wherever she went. You catch more flies with honey :)

  8. Thanks Beth! :) you too!

    rachel!-- yup that's the one-its really cool! i wish i had thought of it, haha

    mama ventura- i totally remember! and im soo glad you rented brothers bloom- i looove it! i hope you do too- cant wait to hear what you think about it. :) my friends and i are going to a local roller derby too! theyve already gone to one, but i havent yet. cant wait!!! and thanks for stopping by here :)

    caketin- it's totally as good as it looks (better even!) cant wait for you to see it!

    elizabeth- amen for people like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 thank you!

    thanks for all the lovely comments ladies! :)

  9. I want a new bike, too. Mine is about 10 years old, maybe it just needs a tuneup, idk, it's been about 2 years since I've rode it(before I had Roman.) My mom and sister have beach cruisers, and they have very comfy seats. I like Ben Stiller movies, too. I want to see "Whip It" sounds good.

    As for mean clients, sometimes I think people just get so worked up about their problem that they forget that they are directing their anger at the wrong person...they are just mostly looking to blow off steam.


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