Monday, March 22, 2010

blog buttons- YAY!!!

I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited! The lovely Courtney made me some blog buttons! I'm estatic to finally have some, and some awesome ones too, if I do say so myself.

So thank you, thank you, thank you Courtney. And everyone else, please feel free to add my blog buttons to your pages! :)

Also--- I apologize for my blog page if it is acting up for you (as it is me). I haven't quite figured out why my side bar stuff is now trying to make it's home on the bottom of my blog page.... oh joys of the internet.

So if you couldn't find my blog button, that's where it the very bottom after all my posts. :(

<3 kel


  1. I love your new button!! Im adding the one with the cute shoes right now!!!! Hope you have an awesome Monday!

  2. Very cute! I just added the one with the flowers. Hooray for buttons ;)

  3. Of course I have added your button- I couldn't wait until you got them posted so that I could snatch one for my blog.


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