Thursday, March 25, 2010

blog help?!?!?

So as you may have noticed, all of my pictures, links, etc are on the bottom of my blog page...anyone know why and how I can fix it???
Please help! I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to computers, the internet, and codes!!!



  1. Can you post a screen grab of what your blog's layout looks like?
    You know- when you are logged in, the top of your blog will say your email-new post-layout-sign out.
    Click on Layout and make a screen grab of it for us to see and help you out!
    Otherwise you could always open your blog to allow posting to a trusted blog follower (with out actually posting of course!) so that we could see first hand.
    I have a feeling that your layout in all stacked in your main column instead of posts in one and info on your sidebar...

  2. Hooray! It is fixed!
    It looks lovely- If you have more issues with I hope that I can help you out again

  3. yay!!!! its all better :) Have a great weekend!!


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