Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday wishes!! (v.2)

Morning everyone! I'm excited to be doing this new blog feature for the 2nd week! Here's some info on it for those of you that are new to my blog. :)

Don't forget to join us!!! There are a couple ways you can join in on the fun.

1- send either Courtney (via her blog) or me an email (mine is that includes some of your wishes and we will add them to our Wednesday wishes posts; or
2- start your own Wednesday wishes installment on your blog. (and link us to it via our comment sections, so we can read them!!!)If you want to, contact Courtney for the Wednesday graphic so that you can use it on your blog too!!!


This week:
So far, I have high hopes for today!! One of my wishes from last week came true (the weather on my way into work this morning was 65!!!!!!!!!!) I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. It's starting to feel like Spring! :)

My wishes for this week:

1. less stress

2. achieve krispy kreme fundraising goal (this is the last week of it!)

3. spring colored nail polish (that doesn't chip as soon as i put it on!)

4. to find the perfect cowgirl boots for me!!!

photo found here.

photo found here.

photo found here.

photo found at

5. a vacation!!!!!!

Other wishes:

My blogger pal, Katie is wishing for this (and i'm right there with her on it!):

And of course, you must go check out my friend Courtney's wishes for this week!!!!!

This blogger pal, is also joining us, go see her post too!

What are you wishing for today!?!?

<3 kel


  1. oH I wish weather here was that nice!!! I cant wait until all the snow melts!

  2. Hello, I'm Liz and a friend of Courtney's and I've also posted about today's wishes over at my blog ;)

    Hope some of your wishes come true for ya ;)

  3. linds- snow? ouch. i hope it gets warm there soon! saw you went to springfield!!! looks like yall had a blast! (i'm a little jealous, hehe)

    Elizabeth- yay!!!! cant wait to read it. thanks for joining us!

  4. Ummm...I am loving Elsie's boots. I wonder if I could find any cutie vegan boots. You should definitely post pictures when you find that perfect pair.

    Thanks for linking to my blog :)


  5. we have a place in houston called texas junk. its filled with vintage boots from the 1930's - 1980's
    cowboy boots. you would go nuts!
    hope you find the perfect ones wherever you are:)


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