Wednesday, March 24, 2010

wednesday wishes

This week I only have one wish......
to feel better!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup, I'm sick again, with the same thing bug that got me less than 2 weeks ago. :(

Not trying to be all emo- I'm just sick of being sick. I want to eat regular food! And not have to sleep all day.

What are you wishing for this week??

And don't forget to check out Courtney, Katie, and Liz's Wednesday Wishes posts!!


  1. Aww! I hope you feel better.
    Really really!

  2. Hope you feel better really soon!!!!

  3. Hope you feel better really soon!!!!

  4. I will be sending some healthy vibes your way. So sorry you are sick. Have you tried Elderberry Extract? It is a totally natural remedy that helps illnesses go away faster and lessens the severity. We have used it and it totally works.

  5. If you've tried everything already, my go to cure is taking a warm bath with Epson salts (try the lavender scented one from Walgreens), and Cold Ease (it has zinc in it, which has been proven to decrease sickness symptoms), green tea with honey, and buttered noodles (its bland enough, if you can't keep anything down). Feel Better soon!!

  6. thanks everyone!!!

    hey katie--where do you get Elderberry Extract?

  7. I get mine at Whole Foods. I think it is getting pretty popular since the flu season was so crazy, so you could probably find it at most health stores. It is actually what we used for my son when he got the swine flu instead of tamiflu.


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