Thursday, March 18, 2010

with a little help from my friends & BLOG GIVE-AWAY!!

Hey, so I have a huge favor to ask of all of you that read and follow me here in blogland.....

My sister is trying to raise funds for a project very dear to her heart, SOAR. Please, please, please if you can, donate to help her participate this April! While I know that money is a little ahrder to come by these days, helping others really makes it worth it right?? So if you are willing and able, please go to her site here and donate. You can donate even 5 bucks, it all helps make a difference!

While I know most of you wouldn't donate to her event just to get something out of it, in order to thank you for participating, I'm going to do a blog giveaway!!! So go to her site, donate anything you can, and then leave a post in my comment section to let me know you did it, then I'll enter you in the blog give-away!!!!

Thanks again for even just taking the time to read this! It means a lot to us!

Here's my sister last year participating!

The story of SOAR:

On April 24, 2010, my sis will be participating in the nation's boldest, highest-altitude, and most daring effort to put an end to sexual assault. It's called Operation Freefall: The Two-Mile High Stand Against Sexual Assault®.
She will join thousands of people at drop zones across the country who will take to the sky and jump. Their goal: to raise funds to help survivors throughout the healing process and increase awareness about sexual assault.

Thanks again loves!

And don't forget to enter the give-away after you donate!! DEADLINE: MARCH 26!!!!

love you a TON,



  1. i am sooo stoked! :) i got the prizes! and i cannot wait to listen to the cd! :) i am totally stoked! thanks so much girl! i appreciate it!

  2. I wish wish wish that I had the money to help with her cause because it is awesome. What an amazing way to raise awareness and funds. Anyway, I am so sorry I can't help right now, but I don't want you to think it is because I don't care because I do :)


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