Friday, April 2, 2010

to do list

List of "to-do’s":
-cancel shoedazzle membership (check)
-find cowgirl boots (rush to get them for photoshoot coming up!) (Check!!)
-finish youth room decorations
-work on lesson for Sunday
-make list of youth games
-put together youth game /obstacle course/ treasure hunt for Sunday (youth was canceled for the holiday)
-finish replying to my pen pal letters :)
-make clipboard decorations for youth room
-work on wreath for living room for spring
-high tea and thrifting Saturday with mom (check and soo much fun!!)
-buy record albums, frames, flowers, milk vases for diy projects (found all but milkglass vases)
-write Easter cards
-plan lock in for youth and other spring/summer events
-cover up holes in bedroom wall (thank you self)
-try to rehang shelf in room
-chores (vacuum, take out trash, dust) SPRING CLEANING time.
-clean out storage units (2)
-work on my April goals
-update goal mini book
-buy Easter candy for Sunday (no need, youth canceled)

OY!!! Wish me luck.
Hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend!!! Much love,


  1. wow huge to do list!!! hope you get it all finished!! I have a list like that too!
    Hope you have a Hoppy Easter :D
    P.S. I got your card yesterday and I'll be writing you back this weekend :)

  2. I know you'll get it all done!
    I need to make a list like this soon-I'm totally losing track of things!

  3. I can not participate now in discussion - it is very occupied. I will be released - I will necessarily express the opinion on this question.


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