Monday, May 24, 2010

5 loves on monday

Another beautiful & sunny Florida morning.... life is good. :)

Here are some other beautiful things that have put a smile on my face this morning, I hope they do the same for you!!

1. this dress

found here.
i love,love,love her style and her etsy shop has the cutest clothes!!!! you must check it out!

2. cute and inspirational craft rooms like these:
I so wish that i had a craft room that i could decorate to be this adorable!

this room found here.

this room found here

this room found here

this room found here

sooo adorable right?

toooo stinkin' cute!
found here

5. chalkboards
maybe it's the teacher in me, but I love seeing chalkboards in photos, especially when they are incorporated into the home (or an awesome photoshoot). here are some of my chalkboard flickr favorties!

found here

found here

found here

What are some things making you smile today?!?!? I'd love to hear.
Happy Monday loves! Hope it's treating you well.


  1. cute post! i love looking at other peoples craft rooms, makes me so jealous though haha

  2. I *love* chalkboards too! I really want to get some chalkboard paint and paint a wall or the trim of a wall in it! =)

  3. I love stickers and strawberry shortcake and anything 80s!!! I also love giveaways! I am having a giveaway right now! You should stop by my blog and enter to win some cool prizes!!! :)

  4. ahhh I love that you posted my craft room :) You are so sweet!! I actually just got that panda print form my Happy Mail partner Saturday!!! I love love love it!!!! Have a great day!!

  5. Just stumbled across your blog from a beautiful mess, Im really liking your blog and will def be visiting a lot more often :D

    also, seeing all those pretty pictures of people's craft rooms really makes me want to get organized so I can have a spot to craft!

    and what makes me happy today is that the boyfriend and I will be thrifting all day! and I am planning on stopping by one of my favorite bead shops!

    have a great monday :D

  6. right now i am jealous of your weather! there was seriously a blizzard here in Utah this morning...ehh...

    i heart your blog by the way :)


  7. Happy Monday to you Kel! You've touched on 2 of my favorites, cute craft nooks and chalkboard on walls! Thanks for the inspiration :)

  8. Watching the Lost finale tonight is making me smile today!

    Love this blog. I am so glad I found it!

    :) Marcie

  9. Loved this post! I love to see rooms that inspires me :) And I've also been looking at this dress for a while It's sooo nice!!
    Have a nice week :)

  10. These are so gorgeous! I especially love the chalkboards and those BEAUTIFUL rooms! Swoon! :D

  11. Super awesome loves for today! Thanks for sharing! :)

  12. i love this post!
    i'm defs a big fan of pretty rooms .. i wish i had my own house so that i could decorate every room like this with pretty things ..
    and that chalk wall is such a innovative idea!

  13. I think it would be So much fun to have a chalkboard wall in my house! How cool would that be?!

  14. those are really gorgeous rooms! gosh... envy...


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