Tuesday, May 4, 2010

fact tuesday

So, here's the only formspring question I got this week....I'm thinking that I may delete it and do something different for tuesday posts since it hasn't really gotten many hits.....

But as for today, here is a formspring question and some facts:

question: What would you describe your style as?
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure.... my roommate rolled his eyes when I asked his opinion and said, "you're indie. you have a tattoo on your wrist and by the way you dress...you're indie." I guess I'd like to say that my style has become more "indie" meaning more tattoos, layers and funky clothing. I've always liked fashion and style, but never really had one. I just typically wore jeans and a shirt...but after coming into my own and becoming inspired by other people's styles (via blog, flickr, weheartit, lookbook, etc) and taking classes like Elsie and Leigh-Ann's style school class, I think I'm starting to make my own style...finally. I guess you might call it "indie". Whatever it is, I like it, because for once I feel comfortable wearing what I want, which comes in the form of layering and putting random items of clothing together to form an outfit.

Random facts:
I was born 5-5-1987 @ 11:32 CST (and tomorrow I turn 23 :) yippee)

I think 23 sounds better than 22, I don't know why.

I love naps, but this is only a recent thing that I picked up in college. Before that, I despised naps, even in grade school because it meant that I might be missing out on something.

I'm very much a stereotypical taurus and irish girl (stubborn and I've got a temper....)

I typically have way too many projects going on at once. Right now I'm trying to make mobile hangers and pretty clipboards for the youth room at church, work on an artsy journal, create stamps, make birthday and mothers day cards...and the list goes on...which may explain why it's hard for me to get things done.

I hope yall are having a great Tuesday!


  1. I hear ya on having too many projects going on! I'm currently going to be starting an "artsy" journal as well it's such a fun idea! :) Unfortunately it seems the "birthday" months are coming up quickly therefore that means a lot of cards to make! But oh well! Enjoy

  2. Happy early birthday, Kel! I felt the same way when I turned 23. I liked that number a lot for some reason, and you know, for future reference -- 25 isn't as bad as people say it is, either.

  3. No! Don't delete it! I only get a questions every now and then but you never know what will get asked!
    I'm going to ask some questions right now...


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