Thursday, May 13, 2010

inspiration thursday (happy birthday momma!!)

Today is my beautiful mom's birthday and because of that I just HAD to interview her for my inspiration thursday post!

Here's what I asked her:

What's your favorite kind of birthday cake?

Chocolate is my first response, but it really depends on where its from – Edgewood Bakery – you can’t beat the yellow cake with chocolate icing; but I do like chocolate cake with a white butter cream icing from other bakeries. The best one I ever had was your Aunt Vicki’s mom’s chocolate sin cake – peanut butter icing inside the devil’s food cake and rich chocolate fudge icing. She named it chocolate sin because it tasted so good it had to be a sin!

What was your favorite birthday memory?

Probably the first one after you were born – just a tiny baby and we hadn’t been home from the hospital a full week yet! You were the best gift EVER!!

What makes you happy?

Time with you makes me happy – especially when you are happy!

If you were stranded on an island and you could only bring one person with you, who would it be?

You, of course!!!

Where's one place you would love to travel to if you could?

I would LOVE to go to California – it’s on my bucket list. Problem would be narrowing where – I want to see EVERYTHING there!

Out of the country, would be Italy.

Who inspires you?

This is a really hard question. I haven’t felt inspired in a long time. I think Walt Disney inspires me … sounds weird, but the technology at Disney World is amazing! I would love to work there!

Happy birthday Momma!
I love you.

Thank you for being my provider, my rock, my best friend, my partner in crime, my go to gal for advice, my support system, and my mom!! I owe all that I am to you!!!!



  1. Love this! Thank you for sharing! :) It warms my heart!
    Thinking of you!


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