Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday Wish (the perfect day)

wow- wednesday, you came pretty fast (yet again). i'll forgive you though (this time only) because this weekend, I actually get time off!!!! and the sooner you get here, the sooner the weekend follows. and that makes me a very happy girl :)

i love my youth job, i really, really do! but (yes theres that but) im so worn out on work. between 2 jobs (and soon ill be taking my last college course! [insert high-fives, smiles, and toasts with adult beverages here]) im tired. ive pretty much had to work everyday for the past....11 days. ouch!) granted my youth director job is more fun than work (most times) but with planning the yard sale (last weekend) and the lock in (this weekend) i need a break from life.

which brings me to this weeks' list of wishes..... and this week i only have 1!!!
i want a vacation, away from internet (although yes i would miss you blogger pals terribly!!), phone service, stress, and work of all sorts...oh yes and drama, let's not forget the drama id get to leave behind :)
so here's what my dream vacation (or escape) would look like......

Morning: starbucks.
yummy, right? besides i need coffee to get me going.


tanning oil

bob marley music

reading (i have soooo many books i want to read just starring at me on my shelf)

one of these getaway spots EQUALS
add some scrapbooking/art jounraling later on and i'm golden.
What would your perfect getaway look like?

ps. dont forget to check out the wednesday wishes of these lovely ladies:
pps. feel free to join in on our wednesday wishes fun!! just link us to your post so we can follow along with you!


  1. i love your wednesday wish! looks dreamy

  2. um, can I come on this vacation with you??? I need one too!!!!

  3. samsies! minus the scrapbooking ;) adding sewing or crocheting and it would be perfect!

  4. Mm, coffee & listening to Bob Marley on the beach? Sounds perfect.

  5. hha- linds you are more than welcome to join!

    oh and i also forgot the food...SUSHI!!!!! :)

  6. nice, we had bob marley's "is this love" as our wedding song


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