Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday Wishes (my 23 before 24 list)

I love doing these Wednesday posts! Not only does it force me to think about what I want and remind me to dream, but I love sharing and reading other people's wish lists (like Courtney, Katie and Liz)!!!! ...check their's out now if you haven't.....just don't forget to come back!! :)
So even though my birthday was a week ago, I decided that I should FINALLY post my goal list :23 before 24. Although I still need the 23rd, so maybe yall can help give me suggestions?!?!? :)
Here's my list so far:
1. graduate college
2. photoshoot with my 2 good girl friends, Erica & Brittany
3. photoshoot at UNF library
4. learn to knit
5. go on a road trip
6. dance on a table
7. learn how to grill properly
8. open my own etsy shop
9. sing at a karaoke bar
10. make a self paint by numbers painting (I saw a DIY on and now I have to do it!!!!) (DONE)
11. tons of bike riding (esp since I got a pretty pink crusiser for my bday from the parents... another wish list item checked off--thanks mom and Joe!)
12. more modeling shoots with Sarah
13. decorate patio (DONE)
14. make a sock monkey
15. keep in touch with all of my wonderful pen pals! (SO FAR SO GOOD)
16. take my youth group bowling!
17. have a lock in with my youth group! (DONE)
18. go on a trip with Kim
19. learn how to properly use my rebel cannon camera
20. take a trip with my sister to Alabama to see our family (DONE)
21. make a dog collar for my doggie Au'bre
22. meet some of my blogger pals in real life!!!
23. get another tattoo


  1. Well, I love #22 and hope you can come to the Blogger Bash in September!!!! =)
    Great list! I'm sure you'll do all that and more!!! xo

  2. Do you sew? If not, learning to sew would be a really useful skill and a great goal to work toward. It's the ultimate DIY :) I also love #22, we should have a North FL Blogger Meet Up.

  3. I love #22 as well...NYC TRIP!

    As for #23, is there a book that you always want to read but never have the time?


  4. 22 is definetly my favorite too!!! Love this!

  5. im glad yall all love 22-- and I say yes to the blogger bash, N.FL blogger meet up and NYC meet up!!! let's start planning!! :)

    dani-hmmm. i like that one, lol altho i have about 30 books waiting for me. im a book nerd all the way!

  6. Thanks for stopping by :)
    I love your to do list!
    Happy belated birthday!

  7. Wow! that is a great list and I hope that you get all of it accomplished! I know that you will.
    I hope that you keep us posted when you cross one off your list.

  8. I love love your list. I just turned 26 so I need to get on my 26 before 27 list. Yikes! Good luck with the lock in with your youth group, we did one of those back in January and I was wiped out for a week after it. Ha!

  9. erin- cant wait to see yours!
    luckily our youth group is small (about 5 kids attend consistently) so im hoping that i wont be too tired, but just in case i made it for the friday night of memorial weekend, so more days to sleep in later!! haha

  10. So...I am totally going to copy you for my Wednesday Wishes. I hope that doesn't make you mad, but it is a really great idea since I just completed my 30 before 30 list.

    Haven't you talked about getting another tattoo? Maybe that could be 23.

  11. I'm glad that Trip with Kim is on there!! = road trip.. but we would need to pick a spot to go too. Something new and fun!

    The self paint by numbers sounds really fun. Must tell me where I can find one.

    And I went to target last night and saw a pink cruiser and told paul I wanted it, but he wouldn't let me buy it =( must have.

    I made a new list about a week ago, and graduating and quitting american eagle are at the top of my list.


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