Monday, June 21, 2010

5 loves on monday

happy monday!
One of my co-workers is in the hospital this week, so it's going to be a long and draining week here at the office for all of us, trying to pick up the slack. Luckily, my co-worker will be okay and hopefully be back next week. Totally gonna miss her this week, she always keeps us laughing.
So here are some pretty and lovely things that I'm hoping will help to keep me upbeat. :)

1. this book
a girl in my youth group and I have bonded over our love of this book....and mr.darcy. although i must admit, mr.darcy has ruined all other men for me...
anyone else feel the same?

2. this dress, from

it totally makes me want to go crawl back into bed :)

4. "good morning" texts :)

5. this photo, this band

What is making you happy today?



  1. i LOVE this blog. i found my way through the appleseed blog. oh, how sweet to find pretty, new things! thanks for brightening my day.

    {pee.ess you have a new follower.

  2. chocolate covered pretzels :)
    especially the 100 calories pack ones b/c then they're guilt free :D

  3. I have tried 3 times to read that book and I just can't get into it! Is it one of those books that will be worth it if I keep going?

    Oh, and making me happy today? Being in my hometown visiting with my family and in-laws for a few days :)

  4. Mr. Darcy definitely has that affect! I love watching the movie. That character makes my heart sigh. I am also a Beatles fan and I love that photo. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I'll take that Jane Austen book back into that comfy bed please! What beautiful things :)

  6. that bed looks soooo comfy. makes me want to go to bed right now as well :(

  7. i'm totally with you on the mr darcy situation!

  8. seeing that picture of the bed reminds me how much sleep I've been lacking for the past few weeks. I'm definitely looking forward to going to bed and really staying in.

  9. @chinkigirlLMeL- i hear ya! im lacking sleep too (right now I'm running on 3 hours!!!) ek

  10. who doesn't love Darcy? have a nice one!!!

  11. No one can live up to Mr. Darcy ... a live of singledom awaits me but at least I have that book! LOVE that beatles picture. :)

  12. Whenever you post these "loves" I can't help but think how similar we are... I too love the Beatles (that picture is hilarious) and I have a special spot in my heart for mr. Darcy (am reading it right now.)


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