Thursday, June 10, 2010

inspiration thursday (with Courtney from you will wont you)

Today I'm happy, happy happy to share a gal that is greatly inspirational to me! Courtney!! I'm sure many of you have read her blog, but you haven't you should. She's honest, creative, and fun. She has inspired me to try new things, motivated me in blogging (Wednesday Wishes was HER idea!!) and did I mention that she made my blog buttons for me too??? She's just one of the coolest gals out there.

And Court, thanks again for participating, you're the greatest! :) Now we just have to work on meeting each other in RL!!! :)

Name: Courtney Bruesch

Where can we find you?
Blog: You Will, Won't You?
Flickr: Courtney Bruesch Photography

Tell us a little bit about you!
Hi lovelies! My name is Courtney (or Court) and I am a 27 year old professional commercial Photographer and Graphic Designer. I have been an artist my whole life and graduated high school early so that I could move on to Art School. I am a Pisces, I adore horror movies and love my kitty cats very very much.

Favorite craft or hobby?
Since photography is my career I don't really count that as my favorite hobby, I think it is obvious that I LOVE photography! So when I am not making photographs I LOVE to scrapbook and make mini-albums and my favorite hobby is playing the piano. I am trying really hard to write my first song but there was a ten year gap in practicing the piano so that isn't happening anytime soon. I am also dying to learn to sew! I have so many ideas in my head (and my sketchbook) for things to sew but I don't have that skill down yet. Soon though- I promise!

What's next for you?
I am currently working on relocating to California but as time moves on it is getting more and more difficult for it to become a reality. In the commercial photography field you kinda have to have connections to get your foot in the door in a studio. I also don't want to loose my Chicago clients.
I am also looking into finding a great print shop that will print postcards, stationary/cards and 1" buttons for me to stock my in progress Etsy shop. I'm working on it but it is really scary since there are sooo many amazing photographers that already started selling their work online.

5 things that make you happy!
This answer will change monthly, weekly, even daily! Right now the things that are making me the happiest is new work with new clients, new-to-me craft supplies that are inspiring, 'window open warm' days and of course my camera and coffee. Those two will always be in my top five favorite happiness makers!

Where do you find inspiration?
I think that I find a lot of my inspiration internally. I like to come up with ideas, jot them down in my sketch book and then let them stew. When I come back to them later I am ready to work on multiple variations of that original idea. It's so fun and interesting to see where I go with ideas.
I am also inspired by old books, namely on the topic of horror/sci-fi or comics that I find at thrift shops. The images and colors are so lovely and interesting. They really get me thinking about composition and scale too. Plus- who doesn't love looking at colorful art books?! Also- I really LOVE looking at Those guys are crazy inspirational! The fashion is to die for even if I wouldn't wear half of the looks.

How do you get and stay motivated?
Personally, I am always fairly self motivated. When I am working on a project I am thinking about the next one already! I really hate to say it (but I am NOT going to lie!) but money is a pretty good motivator too! Since I work for myself if I am not busy working on photographing clients products or finding my next client then I am not going to eat or be able to pay my bills. I learned a long time ago that setting little goals (and reaching them!) goes a long way.

Where fo you see yourself in 5 years?
In five years I would love to see myself a little more settled (I move around a lot!) and have a steadier footing in my field. I'd love to say married but honestly, I just don't care all that much to be married in the next five years! I know that I am 27 but I still feel like I am 23. As long as I am happy and still making a career with my art then I know that I will be alright. Isn't that really all that matter anyways?

Give us 1 random or funny or interesting fact/tidbit about YOU!!!
Easy Pieasy! Did you know that every other letter of Courtney is Cute?! Haha! That's my default random fact that I have been telling people for over 10 years.

If you want to be a part of this weekly feature, please email me at so I can send you the info.!!! Don't be shy :)


  1. Love this!!! I just got Courtneys awesome pen pal letter yesterday! You girls both Rock!!!! :)

  2. Thanks Kel, it's fun finding out new things about this little lady :)

  3. Hi I'm your 200th follower! Hurrah! Congrats! You have a lovely blog! Cheers!

  4. She's so creative, I love receiving her pen pal letters in the mail. =)

  5. awww I love Courntey!! She is so sweet and amazingly talented!!! Love love love!!!! Love you too sweet Kellie :)
    great features!!!

  6. Awesome interview!!!! Love you both! Courtney has the best handwriting too!!! =) You rock, CUTE COURTNEY! hehehe

    Kellie, I hope you got you my interview answers awhile back!!! =)
    Love your features on Thursdays!!! xoxo

  7. Yay for Courtney!!! Two of my favorite ladies on one blog, it is almost too much happy :)

  8. wow love your scrapbooking! that was such a great interview ~ thoroughly enjoyed it :)


  9. Courtney is AWESOME! I love the interviews that you do it's so much fun!


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