Monday, June 28, 2010

short & sweet

I'm going to keep this short and sweet, because honestly I think it's a bit ridiculous that I should feel the need to explain myself.....
First off, most of my friends have been amazing. Seriously, I feel so incredibly blessed to have yall in my life, whether I know you via real life or blog. Yall are what keep me sane, no joke. And I love that those of you that are true friends haven't asked me to explain myself. I'm a true believer that friends don't need to explain themselves- they shouldn't have to.

So here's the jist of it....

I'm happy. Super freaking happy.
In fact, I can't remember the last time I smiled this much. Some of it is because of my amazing friends (like you!) and family, some of it is from not being in a relationship that was killing my self-confidence, some of it from just knowing how awesome God is and that He's always going to be taking care of me, and some of it is because of a new boy.
While the new boy thing may seem sudden (it seems kinda like that for me too), it's amazing. For such a long time I felt like I was just an option to boys I liked- and guess what? I'm more than that and this guy knows that!
I knew the ex stopped caring about me a long time ago and for reasons that will remain only between us, we ended things. Then this new boy came along. He's one of the best things that's happened to me. Some may not understand how it all happened so fast, but those that saw how my last relationship was, completely understand. And those that have seen how happy I am with the new boy, also get it. Therefore, I don't feel the need to explain myself or how this happened so quickly, because it doesn't matter. He knows he's not a rebound, everyone knows my distaste of cheating(and that I would never), and everyone around me knows how happy I am because of this guy and I think that's all that matters.

However, I did want to share the happy news about the new and wonderful boy. :)
So please, if you want to comment, leave only happy comments, because seriously, there's no need for any other kind.



  1. oh my sweet sweet Kel!!! I am soooo happy for you. You deserve nothing less than the best and I am happy you have found it. I'll have to tell you a story (in my next letter) that is quite similiar to yours. I love you girl! yay!!!! I'm doing a happy dance for you!!!!
    Happy Monday!!!

  2. Yay!!! That's so great!!! I'm happy for you! You deserve nothing but the best! Love you, girl!!! xoxo

  3. I love that stupid grin you get across your face when that special someone will not get out of your every thought.

    :] Keep smiling.

  4. congrats (:
    it's really one of the best feelings in the world to realise there's someone out there that thinks about you.

  5. Awwww! Happy news! And I think it's fantastic, not too quick at all. We can't decide those kinds of things (to love or not to love in a romantic way), so don't listen to silly nah sayers!

  6. Good for you girlie! That's great. I think that if it makes you happy that's all that matters, and you're right, your true friends don't need an explanation. :)

    Thera Joyce

  7. That is so exciting Kellie! What a wonderful feeling to have someone new in your life who is treating you so great. You deserve it. I can't wait to see many more happy posts about this new boy :)

  8. Yay yay yay! Happy Kelli in full effect! I bet it is a great feeling and it better last for a long long time!


  9. Yippee! I'm so glad you are happy whether it be with the boy or just happy in general. That's all that really matters. God is good!

  10. Awesome! I am sooo happy that you are so amazingly happy! You deserve this so much.
    Now, when can we see this new guy?!

  11. Awe I'm so happy for you!
    I love the feeling of when it's all new and wonderful.

    Don't think of it as being too soon, it happened now because it was supposed to.

    xo. Kyla

  12. I am so happy that you are so happy!!
    Love you cute girl! :)

  13. i'm glad things are going well for you missy! :)

  14. Yay congrats on being HAPPY! That is the best, and having a new fellow is icing on the cake. You give us all hope!

  15. how about rock on.. enjoy the ride.. & treasure urself cuz u deserve 2 B happy & more than just an option w or wout a boy :)


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