Wednesday, July 21, 2010

10 questions survey

I saw this survey on Aj Purple's blog and decided to play along. :) You should too. And post a link to your answers in the comment section :)

My answers:

1. Favorite hobby?

2. Favorite tv show?

( I love Lucy AND Sex and The City)

3. Favorite restaurant food?

(pf chang's lettuce wraps)

4. Favorite thing to shop for?

(dresses---these are all from

5. Favorite animal?
(pandas and dogs)

6. Favorite song?
All My Lovin' by the beatles (my mom use to sing this to me everynight when I was little)

7. Favorite word?

8. Recent favorite youtube video? (Funny video) (A song I cant and dont want to get outta my head!)

9. Favorite movie?
(the first one)

10. Favorite childhood memory?
I have a lot, but right now one of my favorite childhood memories is spending my Sundays with my dad, eating Subway, watching a movie, watching some NASCAR (his pick), and learning to skateboard. :)

Your turn!!!!


  1. I almost put dresses as my favorite thing to shop for :) And I just learned how to make lettuce wraps - SO GOOD!

    Thanks for linking to me :)

  2. I love your answers! I will play along later. :)


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