Friday, July 2, 2010

4th of july

how is it already july???? i feel like this year is just flying by. does anyone else feel that way?
and now it's 4th of july weekend, which makes me happy because i have monday off :) yay for long weekends

this weekend i plan to:
-see lots of fireworks (hopefully the rain doesnt ruin that) the boy and i are going down to st. augustine tonight to see an early firework show :)

-get some time in the sun (and not burn...last weekend i got REALLY burned)
-sleep in
-spend lots of time with friends

-catch up on my reading
-catch up on my journaling (i'm such a slacker)
-do some homework
-spend some time with my youth kids :)
-spend lots of time with the boy :)

What are your plans for the 4th??




  1. lovely plans - which is kinda nice. just clean house, catch up on dvr shows and craft. happy 4th to you!!

  2. great pics! I also have no plans. I think I'll just relax an spend it with the kiddos. Maybe get some junk food. lol

  3. do you ever write about your youth kids? I used to be a youth leader so I understand how fun it can be. I would love to hear some of your stories! =)


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