Monday, July 12, 2010

5 loves on monday

Dear Monday,
I was really, really not ready for you today...... Do you think you could come around a little less often? KThanks.

on the bright side.....the 5 things i'm in love with today/this week:

1. these spaces

(found @

2. these beauties from my friend Lindsay's new etsy shop (i want them all!)

3. this dress from etsy

4. these adorable photos of couples

found from this blog &

found here

found here

found here

5. this ring

found here

Hope today is treating you well!
My week will be pretty crazy :( I have a HUGE research assignment due Thursday that I haven't worked on enough, so I'll be pounding away at it all week. Wish me luck!!!


  1. I love Lindsay's bubble tea plushies too!

    Hope all is well,

  2. ahhh you are so sweet to include me in your Monday loves :) I heart this post!!! I hope your week is fantastical!!! Love love love love you!!

  3. Those pictures of couples are so sweet. I love them! I hope you are having an awesome week so far :)

  4. I love the bubble tea stuff! I have to buy that for my sister- she is obsessed!

  5. That first photo is AMAZINGGGGGGGGG! I want that room. Haha!

    Good luck with your assignment.

  6. i have the same thing to say about hump day!! I added that top space to my pinterest dream homes.. i am inlove with that space. And obv i love everything Lindsay does! xo


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