Friday, July 16, 2010

inspiration thursday (with Beth from when sparks fly up)

Yes, I know- it's Friday. Yesterday was INSANE, so sorry for the delay. But I think this interview will more than make up for my slacking.

Beth is such an awesome gal and her blog truly inspires me. She also use to live in Jacksonville too! :) So here she is! :)

Name: Beth

You can find me here:

About me:
I'm 20ish and currently living and working in Atlanta, after relocating from Jacksonville. I contribute to an online fashion and art magazine called 160grams and also work for H&M. I'm starting back to school soon for Communications and hope to end up somewhere working as fashion journalist. Ive also spent the past 12 years taking martials arts, which I love. Aside from that you can usually find me in vintage stores, at concerts, reading, or shopping, of course =)
Favorite Craft/Hobby:
If I have the time, I love to bake and sew! Aside from the fact that I live in a house, these are pretty much my only domestic qualities, haha.

Up Next for Me:
All sorts of awesome things! New place, starting school, continuing to write for 160grams hopefully. And in my immediate future? Some cheap red wine and Fleetwood Mac on vinly with my best friend. Definitely can't complain.

5 Things That Make Me Happy:
coffee, good music, sample sales, fall weather, old friends

My Inspiration: Style wise:
I love people who look effortlessly put together. People that have something unique about them without taking themselves that seriously. Think Sienna Miller, Erin Wasson, Emmanuelle Alt. Otherwise, I draw inspiration from everything! People walking down the street, a quote I found in a book I've read, a really great song. It's just a matter of paying attention to what's in front of you I think. Not missing the little things =)

This is a hard one for me because I'm such a procrastinator! Seriously it's ridiculous. So usually I have to break things down into lists. Gosh, this is such a boring answer, haha. But yeah, being able to set small little goal lists and cross things off as I accomplish really help to finish what I start.

Where would I wanna travel if I could?
I would love to go to Germany or Amsterdam. Or Thailand. Or Greece. haha.

Funny/Interesting fact about me:
I've never had the chickenpox or broken a bone, and I still have my tonsils and wisdom teeth. =)

Take care!
Thanks again Beth!!!
Go check out her blog if you havent yet and leave her some love :)
Have a great Friday!!!!

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