Thursday, July 22, 2010

inspiration thursday (with Jeff from content unrelated)

This week I'm sharing with you one of my bestest friends, Jeff. He's an awesome guy and one of the best friends I've ever had. He's one of the sweetest people out there and has really been there for me- he also is hysterical and just fun to hang out with. I totally miss having him in Jax- but luckily when he moved back home he met this totally awesome gal who's now his pretty and awesome I guess I can't be too upset he left. :) Anywho.... here's his post, enjoy :)

Oh, and if you haven't read his blog before, you should- it's dark and funny and just plain awesome-so read the post here and then stop on by his blog or twitter, check 'em out and show him some love! :)

Name: Jeff

Where can we find you?
Content Unrelated (, Twitter (

Tell us a bit about you!
I'm a 25-year-old college graduate with a degree that has so far served me better as toilet paper than a step up in the real world. I've been carrying trays for shitty tips for the better part of a decade, and I'll continue to do it until that (literal and figurative) B.S. degree lands me a career.

Favorite hobby?
Favorite hobby is writing, and I wish I did it more than I do now.

What’s next for you?
I'd like someone to take me seriously enough to let me write for them professionally. Kind of difficult though, because I rarely take myself seriously as it is.

5 things that make you happy:
Naps, sick guitar solos, blue box Kraft mac and cheese, writing and a good movie.

Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration in other small-scale blogs. I feel like those writers are still putting out material for quality's sake, not quantity, and I like to see what they have to say. If I enjoy it enough, it usually gives me the opportunity to formulate my own take on the subject and write about it myself -- and a lot of times they'll inspire me to tweak or improve my own writing style.

How do you stay motivated?
I stay motivated because I believe one day it'll all come together. It'll all make sense, and everything I'll have done up until that point will finally pay off.

Where's one place you would LOVE to travel to if you could?
Having lived in Florida my entire life, I wouldn't mind traveling to a place that doesn't skip two out of the four seasons every year. Give me a place with a high of 70, no humidity and free coffee, and I'll book the next flight.


  1. Awww, Jeffery... he didn't meantion his other hobby, aka the red and tan killer....

  2. Haha you guys are crazy.

    I gave up the red tan thing a long time ago :)

    Kellie, thanks for the words (not to mention the whole post) at the beginning of the entry. I miss you guys!

  3. Jeff's blog is awesome. I follow it. And he totally stole my degree serves as toilet paper line. lol. Just kidding... :) Enjoyed your post.

  4. Hey thanks for giving Jeff some time in an interview! He is a GREAT guy and has been a GREAT friend for many years now! Hope it comes together for you soon sir!

  5. he is an awesome guy! glad yall liked the interview. and thanks again jeff for doing it!!!!


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