Thursday, July 8, 2010

inspiration thursday (with Krystle from Krystle-clear)

I love, love, love this thursday feature. There are so many of you wonderful ladies and gents that constantly inspire me and I'm so glad that I get to feature yall!
This week I'm featuring Krystle, one of my pen pals! She's super awesome and if you haven't checked out her blogs yet, after reading this you will want to!!! :) So here she is, the lovely Krystle......

Your name: Krystle Payne

Where can we find you?
My blog:
Group Blog:
My twitter:
My facebook:

Tell us a little bit about you!
I'm Krystle, I'm 21 and i'm studying digital filmmaking. It's so exciting. My dream job would be to make documentaries for History Channel or NGC. I'm kind of obsessed with collecting vinyl records right now. My collection is pretty small but pretty awesome :-). My favorite record would have to be U2 Joshua Tree OR Jack Johnson In Between's a toss up. Oh! And occasionally I make specialty cakes :-). I did my first ever wedding cake in March for my best friend's wedding.

Favorite craft or hobby?
My favorite crafts usually have something to do with yarn. I l.o.v.e. knitting and crochet. I also like making headbands and hairbows too :-). And my dad and I have started doing some altered furniture together it is so much fun!!

What's next for you?
Fingers crossed....I get a paid history internship this summer (I'm a history minor). I graduate in 3 semesters. I would love to have a job with the Arkansas Film Commission, or AETN, or the Hot Springs Documentary Film Institute. HSDFI helped me fall in love with filmmaking and I would love to work with them. It would be an absolute dream!

5 things that make you happy!
1. Jack Johnson
2. Glee
3. This kid singing Barry Manilow (
4. Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Where do you find inspiration?
I get inspiration from all over the place. I read a lot of creative blogs, I'm constantly perusing apartment therapy and I watch TONS of cake shows. Also, music is so inspiring...Jack Johnson always...and here lately the Where the Wild Things Are Soundtrack has been very inspirational to me :-)

How do you get and stay motivated??
I usually have to motivate myself by making lists. At the bottom of the list is something really awesome that I'm looking forward too that way I get everything done on my list and end with something good. Also, Starbucks is a great motivator when I'm trying to write research papers hehe

Where's one place you would LOVE to travel to if you could?
If I could travel to one place it would definitely be some place with a rich interesting long history like Greece or China. The architecture is so cool. I was in Japan for a while a couple years ago and it was so amazing. Everything was so old it made me laugh at the idea of antique stores in the US lol.

Give us 1 random or funny or interesting fact/tidbit about YOU!!!
Random fact: I llllove my dad :-) he's one of my best friends. And even though he is 63 years old, he acts like he's about 23 and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.

Thanks again for sharing Krystle!!!! :)
xoxo kel

And if any of you want to be featured here on Thursdays, please email me at :)

1 comment:

  1. That's an amazing wedding cake! I've been doing cake decorating lately, but nothing like that! :) And Jack Johnson.....amazing. I would like to start getting vinyls....I just recently found out they still sell them.....very cool. New follower here!



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