Tuesday, July 13, 2010

my night....

has been full of this...

working on my chemical changes project for class, enjoying a milkshake from my buddy Erica, chilling with my awesome roommate, and enjoying some awesome cds I got from some of my awesome pen pals!!!!


  1. Wow- those books actually sound crazy interesting! Are they?

    (p.s. I love that people are sending CD's! I got one from the Netherlands!)

  2. Ahhh, the days of homework. Just think, they will be over soon. Well, excwpt for lesson planning and grading and extra curricular activities :)

  3. I miss days like those. I used to be so excited to get out of school and start working. Now I wish I could go back to those days. Cds from penpals? Awww...

  4. I have always wanted a penpal.

    I'm jealous.

  5. court- to be honest the bottom 2 are the ones ive been using the most. i kinda thought the food processing one would be interesting too, i just havent had a chance to really look at it yet, ill let you know tho :)

    ella- i have a pen pal project going on--if youre interested in doing it for our bext go-around in September.October email me!!! (kellz0505@gmail.com)!


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