Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday Wishes

After this past weekend, I fully believe that we should have 4 day work weeks and 3 day weekends. :)
I got a lot of stuff accomplished this past weekend (well more so than I thought; however, not everything on my list). I did manage to get a lot of friend, boyfriend, and parent time in :) So onto goals and wishes I have for myself this week.....

1. to finish my school project (on chemical changes. fun! (not)).

2. finish reading this book for our book club on saturday
i always feel like im trying to catch up with everyone in regards to books. i love being in the book club, but it's becoming harder trying to find the time to read. :(

3. more sleep.
because i honestly could never get enough

4. some cute pictures of the boy and i

5. cute stationary
now that I have about 50+ pen pals, my stationary is starting to run out! and i'vehad my eye on these pretties for awhile. i only wish i had them *sigh*

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

What are some things you're wishing for this week???
And don't forget to check out Courtney's, Katie's, Karlie's, and Liz's wish lists. :)


  1. I LOVE that staionary! I am surpirsed at how many cards and stationary sets that I had (most from a thrift shop!) and how quickly it dwindles down. It super fun though and I love it!
    Don't worry too much about catching up on your book...I go through perdios where I read an insane amount of books in a month and then just stop cold for a month.

  2. i wish i had a printing press and i would make stationary for everyone on our pen pal list. i just mailed out three letters yesterday and i hope to mail out four today, then a trip to the store for more stamps. (:

  3. oh goodness I have been obsessing over stationary lately. I had sooo many cards and wrote amost 25 people in the past few days from the list!! Now it seems like I dont have so much anymore lol.
    Hope you have a great week!

  4. ahh.. I love the stationary! its so cute. I dont have much either, So I make my own cards. ;)
    I hat eto say that I havent written any of the new penpals yet. (shame on me, lol) but I hope I get the time soon!

    xoxo, Katie

  5. ahh.. I love the stationary! its so cute. I dont have much either, So I make my own cards. ;)
    I hat eto say that I havent written any of the new penpals yet. (shame on me, lol) but I hope I get the time soon!

    xoxo, Katie

  6. omgg, that sliced bread one is perfect!
    And "The Shack" is perfect as well! Awesome book!

  7. Stationery is one of my most favorite things to collect besides stickers. Love me some stationery!!


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