Thursday, August 5, 2010

inspiration thursday (with Amanda from Time for Tea)

This week I'm sharing with you one of my pen pals, Amanda. She is truly an inspirational gal and just all around awesome. Even her letters are original and beautiful. So read all about her and then go show her some blog love, trust me you'll fall in love with her style too. :)

Name: Amanda Rundels

Where can we find you?
Twitter- @timefortealove

Tell us a little bit about you!
I'm just a small town girl, born and raised in Ohio. I love my family with all my heart, they are the most important thing in my life. I love to read, and learn new things each day. I would say I'm a pretty friendly person, considering I have a love for all people (and I love to talk!) I also love art, it's always interested me since I was a child. In my spare time I love working on new projects, taking walks, listening to music, craft mall shopping, going to art exhibitions and really enjoying my life :) Currently, I work part time at a non-profit art gallery, and I am preparing for my freshman year of college at Ohio University-Chillicothe.

Favorite craft or hobby?
My favorite craft would have to be scrapbooking. I just love it, it takes design to the hands on level (as well as digital) and has endless possiblity when it comes to compisition. I also love collaging on canvas.

What's next for you:
Heading to college this fall to start my major in Early Childhood Education, I'm also leaning on double majoring in Fine Art.

5 things that make you happy!
-My family
-Jack Johnson
-the color yellow

Where do you find inspiration?
I wouldn't say I have a style icon or crush, fashion wise but I draw inspiration daily from nature, my family, literature, music and works of art.

How do you get and stay motivated?
I get motivative by thinking postitive always. I'm a very upbeat person, so not a lot brings me down. I set goals constantly as well, say one week I don't accomplish one I simply dust myself off, refocus on that goal and start on it again the following week.

My family is also a huge motivation in my life, my mom, sister and I are very close, and accomplishing my goals shows my sister she can do the same as well, on top of making our mom proud :)

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I see myself graduated from college, and a year into my profession as a teacher. I also see myself setting goals to buy my own house, and possibly re-enrolling in college online (I'm pretty sure I'll never want to stop learning, there's so much to study!)

Give us 1 random or funny or interesting fact/tidbit about YOU!!!
Hah, one random fact about me, I am very very OCD when it comes to washing dishes. I've always felt it was a tad weird, but since I was 12 (when I started washing dishes as a chore) I have had an OCD about washing all the plates first, then all the bowls, all the cups & lastly all the silverwear :P


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