Monday, September 20, 2010

5 loves on monday

Gotta admit, I have a bad case of the mondays. I did not want to wake up this morning, which perhaps might be due to the energy drink I had last night to keep me up while I drove home from Atlanta.....
Luckily, this blog post feature always cheers me up. It's kinda nice and refreshing seeing such cute and inspirational things (haha, I just noticed that I tried to spell cute as "cure".....Freudian slip perhaps....). Anywho, if you're having a bad case of the mondays too, I hope this list helps put a smile on your face too.

1. these prints made by Elsie. my bestie got to go to the Chigaco Renegade Fair last weekend (since she was staying in Chicago) and she bought these 2 amazing prints for me. ekkk. i love them soooo much.
2. rachel mcadams. she is so pretty...its unfair. but i love her style and her classic look. so i guess she's my style crush of the week....

(photos found at

3. this travel journal found at oh so adorable!

found here

4. this etsy shop because it has the sweetest prints. ever.

5. this vintage dress. and with the belt = perfection!

found here

Hope this helped turn your monday frown upside down....if not, this hopefully will......
I LOVE YOU!!!!! That's right you! (Happy monday) :)
love you times a trillion!


  1. Love the Oh Snap print!!
    I loved Rachel McAdams in Sherlock Holmes! I thought she had the greatest style in that movie.
    Just saw her in Hot Chick. I had no idea she was in that movie. She is so pretty!

  2. I'm so jealous! I want to go to Renegade so bad. :(

    Also, Rachel McAdams is hot. I'm jealous of her hair, haha.

    Lots of jealousies today. :)

    Happy Monday! xo

  3. love love love. yes, please! i would like to have everything {including rachel's looks! she's so gorgeous}.

    happy monday!

  4. Today was a happy happy monday indeed. P.S. I heart Rachel McAdams too, she is one of my style icons.

  5. What a great Etsy shop! Thanks for sharing! I hope you had a great Tuesday and that your Wednesday is AMAZING! :)


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